Personal responsibility, core values, strong connection within, all connect you to your joy and fulfillment. That is a bold life.
Most of us have lived a life solely based on what others carved out for us. We pleased our parents, teachers, bosses, and took on what society defined as success. As if we had no choice but to move in that direction: Go to school, go to college, get married, have kids, pay the mortgage and eventually retire. In the span of this life, we have been called off the imposter path many times and but we got used to the stress and hustled and pushed through. We didn't recognize the stress beating up on our bodies into illnesses, our spirits depleted, the baggage of shoulds that we carried on our loaded minds. We turned down the inner voice of truth and accepted that resentment, emptiness, being lost, frustrated, disconnected and beaten down by our inner critic was what we had to accept because most of the society was living the hustle.
Our egos don't have our back but our hearts do.
Living boldly is stepping into that deep desire for answers and disciplining our lives to actions that align our truths consciously and consistently. Everything else is a myth, a lie we have chosen to buy into and I have bad news for you....we are responsible.
Everything ---- and I do mean everything ---- is a choice.
Once you recognize that your lifestyle, your rituals, your standards are choices you make everyday--and this takes time so recognize that as well---you'll have found yourself at the start of the journey of change. No one else has to change but you. The climate, the partner, the children, the boss...no one is in your control, only you. You have full control of you so become master yourself.
Connect, listen, empathize, listen more, soothe, release, learn and listen more. Turn that volume up that spoke to you urging you to take care of your beautiful spirit, warned you of that danger that lay ahead, thoughts of inspiration that flashed into your mind but you didn't take it seriously. That's your spirit, your intuition, you voice of well-being, your advocate, your cheerleader, you admirer. Listen to that voice and turn down that voice that supports your ego, the inner critic, the gremlin, the one that causes worry and anxiety about getting it wrong.
Become Bold: Release the power of that voice of fear and connect to the voice of love.
You change and your life changes with you.
Learn, apply and train the ego towards your truth. Therein lies your personal mission, your professional goals, your authentic self, your happiness, your tender joy. When you tame the ego and unlearn the limitations that you have picked up along the way, change is guaranteed. You will not be the same again if you adopt the principles as your new rituals.
Rituals become habits and habits will bring you results. Guaranteed.
Learn more about this process of authenticity and boldness. Let's converse and connect. I can help you cultivate a life that is not only bold but authentic. I can help you connect back to that voice that wants to be heard.