Transformational Business Mindset Coach
My specialities & My background
I’m a certified Austin business coach, an entrepreneur, an advocate, a business development consultant, and a mom. I help humans identify and connect with their dreams, their passions and develop their careers and businesses around their core values and a successful growth mindset.
I help transitions be transformative. Life transitions such as divorce, career transitions, returning to workforce caregiving, etc. In the past, I have worked with men and women wanting to start their own ventures as solopreneurs in behavioral health, technical and healing professions. I offer customized workshops for individual and small group workshops and customized coaching packages.
We can only go where we have gone.
As a intuitive personal transformational & business coach, I understand the tremendous value of taking inventory of one's core values. I live my philosophy of taking 100% personal responsibility, putting myself repeatedly in playful challenges that help me grow my mindset and heartset. There is a lot we can learn from children who are adventurous and free of judgements. They live in the present moment, untethered by fear or ego. They don’t worry about mistakes or how many times they will need to try to learn something.
specialized modalities working with women
Knowing her core values helps a woman create her own signature brand because she understands her WHY
Why is she doing what she is doing- be it in her career progression or her business, she needs to become clear on the reasons for her career move, her transition or her choice to return to work. She needs to understand how to best tweak and clarify the message behind her business or advance her career.
I teach her how to become a CEO of her career and personal & professional branding which leads to moving the soul line upwards along her goal line. As a past marketing consultant for small businesses, I have helped solopreneurs and small businesses attain clarity of their core values and mission to gain an advantage of their branding and message. Becoming a business coach was a natural transition from my past professional experience.
As an advocate for women and empowerment, I am creating a community of women that come together to support, advance and educate one another to thrive in their personal and professional lives. We are from all walks of life and bring our wisdom and expertise to collaborate, connect and encourage one another to lead in our own lives.
Prior to opening up I Choose Bold, I worked in the Austin addiction and recovery field where I helped develop a startup outpatient mental health and addiction program from its beginning stages to a profitable multi-million dollar business with 33 employees and a second center expansion in three years. I have built a significant network in the mental health field in Austin that I leverage to help open doors for my clients and colleagues for connections, careers and business partnerships.
I help you manage your focus & Build Structure
Like you, I have a lot on my plate and I do my best to juggle the roles and priorities with the never-ending to-do list. Achieving balance is impossible if you don't have your priorities identified and aligned with your goals. Your goals must align with your daily actions or you'll find yourself overwhelmed, lost and frustrated. More than time management, I am a fan of focus management.
Your calendar is where your priorities are laid out. Are you focusing on what matters or are you doing busy work that keeps your to-do lists scrolling endlessly without moving the needle on your goals? I can help you build focus, processes and structure to stay on track with your goals to assure you reach your finish line.
Why Work With Me?
I provide a personal service and design a coaching service that focuses and customizes upon YOUR needs. It's that simple. Business is personal to me. I've built my business upon the foundation of old-fashioned values -trust, personalized service and integrity. About 90% of my business is repeat business and referrals from my satisfied clients. Read testimonials here
“I am not here to serve the masses. I am here to provide a customized
solution for each person that raises their hand and asks courageously for help.”
My Philosophy
I Choose Bold was inspired by my own need to make bold choices and live authentically, unapologetically.
Be Bold. Be You.
When we take things so seriously or take it personally, we lose the ability to be creative, to be playful and come up with intuitive solutions.
My business, I Choose Bold, was born out of the philosophy that women, including myself, need to make bold choices in our lives in order to find our authentic voice that was unapologetic, true and intentional. You may know your purpose or direction or you may need guidance. I help women step out of fear and procrastination into a growth mindset of consistent action and baby steps that builds confidence in one self naturally.
Living authentically is where your confidence exudes naturally and you simply glow.
When you live out loud in your authentic voice, you cannot help but beam positivity, boldness and a magnetic personality. That's because you and aligned at your core level and feel right at home. Comfortable, feisty, carefree and playful!
How will coaching help me?
I provide the frame. My clients create the masterpiece.
As a Certified transformational life, mindset, master business & leadership coach, I help my clients identify their mental & emotional patterns, reframe some perspectives with new vantage points that are creating the undesired obstacles and keeping them stuck and frustrated without results --- both in their business and personal life.
Personal development is the key to success. The more time you invest in yourself, the better results you will create. The most successful people in this world continually work on themselves. Work harder on yourself than anything else as you are the one that stands between you and your success. Successful people know the value of working on themselves is the secret to fulfillment, financial independence and quality of life is dependent on the level of their personal growth. They understand their performance and success is derived from their core insights and success principles.
Successful individuals understand the significant advantage of their superpower they have cultivated over the years: a growth mindset.
When you can accept personal responsibility, the importance of failure as feedback and embrace discipline as a route to establish rituals, you'll be free and you will undoubtedly be successful. You'll not be bothered about other people because you focused on your path and your destination.
My clients offer hear me say the following:
"Now what? Which direction do you want to go? Repeating the stories of the past will keep you stuck there. We know the strategies in the past didn't work. That's feedback. Let's choose new strategies that will create the outcome you desire."