Coaching is not about getting to a final destination where the client is “fixed” or cured. The more a person proceeds down the path of being coached, the more their upper limit expands. ~ Steve Chandler
Maybe the past showed you what hasn't worked. Let's create new strategies, write a new story, choose a new direction and rewire new neurons in your brain that replace your old thought patterns creating the old patterns of behaviors.
Nice to meet you! My name is Sapna Aggarwal. I am an Austin-based International Coaching Federation Certified Professional Mindset Coach, Master Business Coach and Leadership Coach with additional training in TCM modality and neuroscience.
How will a Brain Coach/Mindset Coach Help Me Achieve My Goals?
Our brains are supercomputers and most advance machines that have ever been created. We didn’t receive a users manual for it and yet it is the most complex and fascinating tool you will ever own. In order to achieve anything, you need to recruit your brain. It could be a fitness routine or a challenge of a new business or moving to a new country.
When you understand how to recruit your powerful brain to work FOR you instead of AGAINST you, life becomes WAY easier and much more fun! Part of my coaching consists of teaching you how to understand how to utilize meditation (even if you haven’t been successful before with it), mental rehearsal, rewiring beliefs with aid of EFT Tapping and how to remain conscious and aware of self-sabotaging behavior.
If you don’t know how to drive a car, it isn’t much use to you. Similarly, you need to know how to train your brain in your favor. You can drive your brain to your destination, high performing, joyous dream life by leveraging your powerful brain. Instead of trying and failing, you will be taught a new way of achieving your goals in a systematic way. You will finally experience true change that is sustainable and steeped in neuroscience-evidence-based principles.
You can get theory from a lot of people but when you want real results that are sustainable, you must go deep and work with your subconscious mind. Otherwise, you will go two steps forward, four steps back. The reason people keep falling off diets or returning to undesirable behavior is because they read a few self-help articles or books and dive right into action.
Willpower can only last so long till you return to the limiting beliefs that you didn’t manage. That requires an understanding, a commitment, and a disciplined practice. After all, we are who we practice to be. What we practice all day- the words, the actions or the behavior is what we become. We look at all of this in our coaching sessions together.
The training I have encompasses looking at the individual as a whole. Even if you are coming in to work on business coaching, we will eventually be looking at personal limitations. How you do one thing is how you do everything. Therefore, the overwhelm or anxiety in your professional life is also showing up in your personal life somewhere. I guarantee the imbalance exists and when we uncover that, you will experience freedom in both areas because we are getting to the root cause of mastering your thoughts and fire and wire neurons in a differently.
Different thoughts lead to different actions which lead to different behavior. In other words, you are creating a new personal reality with a new personality as opposed to hustling and working hard with an old personality. That’s why you keep stumbling with the same habit because that’s not sustainable.
Changing your old self to a new self requires some time but I have seen enough people turn their lives around 360 degrees with the help of neuroplasticity! It’s not overnight and some took a few months to a year to do it after they received the information. They not only resolved their habits, some of them were also able to resolve their anxieties, their health conditions and their lifelong habits which stemmed from their imbalance.
Please remember that results vary with each person in timing but if you are committed, nothing can get in the way of your desires. We will set you up for success so you can launch yourself into your new personality and new life!
When you combine the psychology of personal development with neuroscience and the Universal laws, you have a triple threat formula!
Who Would Benefit From Hiring A Brain Coach/Mindset Coach?
If you are finding yourself stuck in life, experiencing procrastination in taking actions or making decisions due to the debilitating doubt, I can help.
If you are ready to finally take action on expanding your business or life in a bold manner but feel afraid or overwhelmed by the transition, I can help.
If you have been setting the same goal for years but keep giving up, I can help.
If you keep running into the same problem or type of partnership, I can help.
If you are struggling with a mind that is overwhelmed and distracted, I can help.
What can you expect from this triple threat formula?
Learn to rewire the neuronal pathways in your brain through emotional mastery techniques.
Master the subconscious and super conscious mind to create the desired reality.
Be able to understand Universal Laws to shift your mental paradigms
When you shift your energy, you change your life and synchronicity and powerful manifestations become the norm!
Learn about bringing the balance back into the body. The brain and body is out of balance thus a dis-ease in your body is the result. Understanding how to reduce stress-inducing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline will put you in the driving seat of your superpower brain.
Uncover and change your mental paradigms that are keeping you from your dreams
Discover the gifts that fear brings as feedback in order to step confidently into clarity
When you apply the triple threat formula of techniques, you will uncover the power that has been gifted to all of us. When your brain works optimally, you work optimally.
Mastering your inner matrix, your emotions, your thoughts and your actions creates a reality that you have crafted with your newly ignited divine self. With the knowledge and application of this system, you are driving your brain with full confidence because you are IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE!
No need to wait for the new year, start today!
I know this to be true: A clear mind is a confident mind. When women have clarity, they are unstoppable!
They can define their priorities, actions, and direction with ease. It sees infinite possibilities that are available in any given situation. By helping my clients shift their thoughts, actions, and behavior, I teach women how to proactively cause an effect in their environment.
Through a clearly laid out process using neuroscience principles steeped in neuroplasticity, I help women of all walks of life, to fine tune their intuition, access their wisdom, reveal the unconscious self-limiting beliefs and rewire their brain for success.
As a master business coach, I recognize the value of personal development in accelerating careers and businesses. I teach courses on taking personal inventory, “a business of one” mindset and customize evidence-based coaching tools and training for my private and group coaching clients.
My coaching philosophy:
🔺 Your mind is your brain at work. That’s your vehicle that drives everything in your life. Learn to master of your mind for real change. Real change comes from your rewiring your neurons that influence your thoughts, actions, and behavior.
🔺 As a trained coach in mind mastery and neuroscience, I recognize the mental paradigms in the default network of your brain that keep you from your goals.
🔺 Access your intuition to make excellent decisions.
🔺 Learn about your mental paradigms that reveal your patterns and belief system
🔺 Develop a game plan making the unconscious behavior become conscious. These are your self-inflicted limitations that keep you stuck.
🔺 Change trajectory of your career, business and personal relationships
🔺 Reduce the overwhelm, internal and external noise to help you focus on your priorities
🔺 Become conscious and deliberate in your goals. Align your actions with your new beliefs
🔺 Heal the heart to transform the mind
🔺Get out of the stuck feeling. Move forward with freedom and confidence that supports who you truly want to be
🔺 Connect the dots to personal limitations and physical dis-ease that may have manifested due to your mismanagement of thoughts and energy
🔺 Create a powerful personal vision that pulls you to your future goals
🔺 Receive transformation tools, evidence-based knowledge and customized audio visualizations for developing mindfulness practices
Talking about the past keeps you there. Let's move forward with conviction and purpose.
I'll show you how to tap into your wisdom. All answers lie within you and it's my role as a professional coach to guide you connect to your insightful self where limitless is the gift. You recognize your patterns and adjust strategies to go for your own goal—— be it a work promotion, to run a 5K or start a home business.
Gaining insight and self awareness are incredible gifts that have ripple effects in many areas of your life. I have seen clients who reached a professional goal experience a change in their personal relationship as well and vice versa. The same person who walks into the boardroom walks into the bedroom. You’ll bring the same underlying and fears into your personal relationships that you do in your professional ones. Private coaching can help you identify those through deep, impactful conversations that release these limitations and old beliefs.
Personal responsibility is empowerment. You've always had the power of choice.
Be Bold. Be You.
You cannot hold a book of excuses in one hand and expect results from the other!
How can you change your life with coaching sessions with me?
Eliminate the inner critic that judges and sabotages
Get unstuck and gain freedom
Increase self-confidence & self-compassion
Discover your purpose and what fulfills you
Be more authentic and designing a life that you want
Forgive and let go of the past
Redefine your idea of success
Turn up the volume of your intuition
Understand the power of subconscious mind and make it work FOR you
Make better decisions that are aligned with your core values
Achieve goals that you once thought were impossible
Taking your power back and standing up for your self
Develop courage muscle to feel the fear and do it anyways
Gain clarity on what you want and direction you want to go
Carve out a path of self-discovery & passions
Differentiate clearly your desires from your "shoulds"
Become laser-focused on your personal or professional goals
Eliminate anxiety and stress in your life
Understand what is fear and how it plays a role in your life
Change life directions or career changes successfully
Reignite passion and creativity in work and play
Create a loving relationship with the most important self : YOU!
Define your core values
Healthier body image and increased self-worth
Banish the excuses by understanding your limiting beliefs
If private 1:1 transformation coaching sounds like something you'd like to explore or are curious about the process, let's have a conversation.
Please send me an email here.
I also offer group coaching on a bi-monthly basis and a weekly accelerated business coaching program.
I can help you get what you want. You provide the willingness, the courage to being coached, to have an open mind and the commitment to your goal and I'll provide the guidance, support and questions that reveal your transformation. Change is hard but having someone in your corner challenging you, celebrating your mini milestones, being your accountability partner and using mindset mastery tools to help uncover your talents and natural gifts will make the change sustainable and faster than you imagined.
One change can create momentum for other things to change. Self-confidence skyrockets when you breakthrough from one challenge and inspires you to look at other parts of your life. To live more adventurously and joyfully because you have find out change is not that scary after all!
Contact me at IChooseBold@gmail.com for a no-obligation 30-minute consultation phone call. Read about my promise here. Take the steps towards your bold and joyful life!
What Clients Can Expect From Coaching With Me
Coaching is the process I use to help my client move from their current state to their desired state in their personal and/or professional life. In other words, I help you get what you want and where you want to go. I help you achieve your goals by getting the obstacles and stories out of the way.
Coaching is not therapy, nor is the coach qualified to give legal, medical, spiritual or financial advice.
Client is responsible for all decisions in these areas are their sole responsibility.
What Does a Coaching Session Look Like?
We connect in person or via skype or phone call. We review the past week and past session goals for accountability purposes, any challenges that may have come about in progressing forward with goals and then discuss the current session's goal decided by the client. I listen, ask questions, share my observations, provide feedback and exercises to support client in their learning and progression towards their goals.
Frequency of the Sessions
I do coaching via skype, phone or in person in one hour sessions either weekly or bimonthly. Long term clients after 6-9 month can be on a monthly maintenance for holistic/less specific goals.
Desired Outcomes
S.M.A.R.T. goals for the coaching – goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound OR Personal and/or professional growth, we create desired outcomes for the coaching.
When I work with a client, we create desired outcomes for the coaching in four categories:
o Desired ways of being (e.g. more confident, more optimistic, less reactive)
o Desired ways of doing (e.g. communicating more clearly, maintaining commitments to myself and others)
o Desired learning (e.g. project management skills, productivity skills, emotional intelligence)
o Desired results (e.g. TED talk, marathon, sales growth)