Are You Sick of Being Scared Yet?


We are not willing to step out of our comfort zone in fear of being wrong, failing at a task or being humiliated. I have learned to establish a compassionate relationship with myself and my fears.

When I finally faced my fear of public speaking with empathy, I opened a door and invited other fears and limitations I had. I became aware and started living my life in a deliberate fashion. I take full personal responsibility for my life and the decisions I made. From parenting strategies to my professional relationships and negotiating my project rate- every single thing became a deliberate choice. That's how I Choose Bold, my coaching business was born.

How does one fear lead to a life change? Let me explain.

In order to face the fear of my public speaking, I joined the AGLCC Toastmasters group and found an incredible support and lasting friendships I would have never found had it not been for my willingness to step out of my comfort zone. I opened up my life to opportunities, a new career, new friends and a new mindset. I met new people who lead me to new ideas and new connections. New experiences came out of new connections.

I'll never go back and I am truly grateful for the privilege to not stand on the sidelines anymore. It's not necessarily the fast lane. It's a lane of consistency, deliberate choices and gratitude for the people, the opportunities and my commitment to making a change.

When I faced a fear, I found evidence in my self that I could face another limitation and then the floodgates opened up to facing others. I am not the same woman I used to be. Facing my fears has been a privilege and helped me in a path of fulfillment. Now I get to help others look past their fears. My clients truly bring so much joy to my life. As they cross their threshold of comfort zone, I cross mine each and every day.

Face one fear and watch your life transform. It only takes one fear to start the journey.

I wish you the best of luck!




if you let it

  • our minds

  • our bodies

  • our actions

  • our responses

  • our perceptions

  • our decisions

  • our mindsets

  • our efforts

  • our results

  • our careers

  • our relationships